Supportive Parent or Pushy Parent? Dr. Phil Blog+ Tennis+ Saxon + Surfing Mums + $75 fine for surfing a closed beach

Supportive Parent or Pushy Parent? | Turning Point: The Official Dr. Phil Blog

This is a good article from Dr Phil, about how he raised his boys who are now grown up. I do this with my kids let them try different things. They stick what they enjoy. My son had been doing tennnis since he was 4 years old, all his friends quit. He persisted it didn't worry him that he didn't know the other kids in the class. I admired him for this as it show he really loves the sport itself. He has just started competition tennis and it is quite overwhelming. He doesn't really know the rules only that you have to hit the ball within the lines. His first match up was against the coaches son who is the same age as him. Somehow he won. The coaches son was very upset he was arguing with the umpires 12 to 15 year olds and later he even kicked my son. luckily I was there I called over his Mum to intervene. The other matches or rounds as the coach says were against 9 year olds , kids 2 years older. My son didn't win but he got to be involved and try. He will get better and better the more he does it. He said he didn't want to go this week. I think because the whole thing is scary the way they give you a numbered position on the ladder board and all the other kids ohh and ahh. Hes only done it once so he will be returning whether he wanted to or not, to at least give it a good go.

Well its Rainbow Bay Surfing Mums day, Now that the wild and rough Cyclone swell has passed, I'm hoping for some clean waves today. I read that Lifeguards can fine $75 swimmers and surfers for going into the ocean when the beach is closed. This is a crock, surfers wait all year for the cyclone to produce the swell. I was down at Rainbow on Sunday and the beach was closed. That is to say the red flags were up. The inshore where everyone swims wasn't rough at all. In fact my Son got great waves there little ones and as the water was deeper it hardly was breaking so he could easily paddle back out. They let that competitor Saxon die in the Aussie titles and now they want to close the beach! Why wasn't anyone watching him in the water? They should of cancelled the Aussie surf lifesaving titles as a guy died a few years earlier in a big surf boat. During cyclone swells these comps must be moved or called off.
Stay Wet.

Love that Ocean! See you out in the surf! SALTY.


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