Brilliant, Finland is Brilliant Teach by Topic not subject!!!! No more you are going to Maths then science then English. This is relevant to mathematics. I remember high school maths. Sin Cos and Tan Triangles, I was like whats the point, If it was applied to the study of Ancient Egypt and measuring of the size of the pyramids, so now you have Geography, ancient history and maths, Add in something about the curse of the pharaohs, curse believed to be cast on any person who disturbs the mummy of an Ancient Egyptian person, especially a pharaoh. King Tuts grave- and you add in science with the study of bacteria or spores that allegedly killed the grave diggers. How interesting would the class be! I would want to go back to high school. Or you could study the 9/11 twin towers disaster in NY. How could an engineer design a building to withstand the hit of an aeroplane, without the whole thing collapsing. So here we have modern history, maths, scienc...
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