
Showing posts from January, 2011

Movie Reveiw Tangled | Disney

Tangled | Disney I have sore muscles from 6 days straight of surfing some great waves. Its a choppy today and really crowded hubby states after his 5am surf session. Ok lets go to the movies! The only kids movie is"Tangled" a movie about Rapunzel, oh oh I thought. Its made by Disney it should be good. This movie seriously is awesome, it has something for everyone, from 2 year olds to adult. It brings a dull fairy tale to life with so many surprise twists. I laughed and cried. Yes, I admit it I cried in a cartoon. The story of greed and the vain search for eternal youth, describes Rapanzel's supposed mother who keeps her locked up in tower for 18 years. When she turns 18 everything changes just like in real life. There's love and a search for a dream and family warmth. So many elements in a cartoon. Disney congrats on a movie that has all the elements. Plus its very very funny. Love that Ocean! See you out in the surf!

Chick flick must- Burlesque - Official Site

Burlesque - Official Site Just saw Burlesque. Anyone that loves singing, dance and costumes will love this. The story line is interesting and there,s a moment when Christina Aguillera sings that gave me goose bumbs. Go see it will the girls for a fun night out. Love that Ocean! See you out in the surf!

School Holiday fun loved all these suggests

Hi all, Well school hols have nearly disappeared these ideas are great for any day fun with the kids. I copied my favourite suggestion here. I bought the biggest canvas i could buy @ a $2 shop.. which cost me about $25 dollars. I got my stepdaughter to help paint the canvas one colour (2 coats for even coverage) Once dried, my stepdaughter then dipped her hands in the paint and put hand marks all over, I then did the same in a slightly darker shade. to finish it off, we then got my son’s hands (who is 10mths) and we also did the same but his hands were a slightly lighter shade of paint. Once this was dried. my daughter and i signed it at the bottom. I then got some aerosol varnish from a craft store and sealed the painting with 2 coats of the varnish lightly sprayed for even coverage. It was given to daddy. who has it Proudly displayed in his billards/games room. and you know what.. it looks pretty damn good too. Mud pies and movies + giveaway! | The Westfield Insider Love that Ocean!...